Getting lost in Lost.

I came home to find that my parents had gotten Netflix to use with the Wii. Bad idea!! 2 days and 15 episodes later I'm starting to realize that the only thing I'm going to accomplish this break is watching every single season of Lost. Oh, that and knocking down a massive, 30-cookie box of those sugar cookies with the colorful frosting all by myself.

And heaven help me if I DON'T finish Lost by the time next semester starts. See...I found out that I can also get Netflicks on my laptop, which wouldn't be a big deal if I had some form of self control. But I don't. And the thing about watching TV shows not on the TV is that they always end in some form of cliff hanger to keep people tuning in next week. (Whats going to happen with Claire's baby! I HAVE to know!) But when you don't have to wait until next week, its just so hard to not keep watching. Even now I'm sitting on the couch in front of the TV struggling with myself. It's like being an alcoholic. (11 AM is too early for a drink, right? I think to myself.)

The other issue is that I've heard that the series finale was really stupid...what's the point of spending hours and hours watching Lost if the ending is lame? Not that I could just walk away now...self control issues, remember? Oh well. If you need me, I'll be watching Lost.

Have a nice day!